Monday, July 26, 2010

Tooth! Step!

Things have been active around here lately. Tyler is FINALLY getting his first tooth. It started on Thursday, the 22nd. He had a fever and we thought he might be getting sick but then John noticed he was pulling at his mouth. We checked and sure enough...that first tooth was breaking skin! Brody still has none. John and I have both said that we'll miss their toothless grins. They've been around for so long. On to another stage!

Then the very next day Tyler one-upped himself and took his very first step all by himself! We were over by the stairs and he was standing unassisted (been doing this for a while now). Then he just decided to side-step to the bathroom and took not one but TWO steps in a row to get there! He didn't even act like it was any big deal...wasn't proud of himself or anything. But I was clapping like a mad-woman.

They are getting to be such BIG boys!!

They are so good at keeping things from each other. It's funny to watch. If Brody wants Tyler's toy (usually Brody's the instigator) Tyler will do everything possible to avoid losing that toy. He will switch hands, move around in circles away from Brody, crawl away or just about try anything to keep it away. One time a few days ago Brody was playing keep away and he was dangerously close to losing his ball to Tyler until he threw it across the room and then quickly crawled after it and got there before Ty. Ingenious! So entertaining these boys are!

Tyler turns everything into a phone, including the remote, calculator, Hunter's sunglasses, you name it and he puts it to his ear. He also loves to put things on his head as "hats," for instance, his sand toys (haven't been put in sand yet thankfully), clothing, the phone, whatever is close by that he can lift! It's pretty cute!

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