Thursday, March 15, 2012

First food!

A few days ago I gave Greyson his first "food" if you can even call it that. In the beginning it's pretty much 95% breast milk and 5% cereal, which makes it pretty tough to even get on a spoon. At one point while I was feeding it to him I thought I should just put it in a bottle. It would have been easier I'll tell ya. Most of it ended up on his bib. Speaking of his bib, he was wearing one that was mine when I was a baby for extra sentiment.
When I mentioned to Tyler and Brody that Greyson was going to have his first cereal Brody said, "Ooo...Lucky Charms?" I'm ashamed to admit that they even know what Lucky Charms are but I only let them have two marshmallows per bowl so don't judge me!
Here are some pictures of the occasion. At first little Greyson was confused...then came the tongue...then more of the tongue...then Brody came over and was trying to make him laugh, and finally he was more interested in eating the bib than eating the cereal. I think all in all he may have actually eaten about a half a tablespoon. However, thinking of how my other boys eat (and eat and eat) I'm not concerned in the least that this stage will last. Before long he will be eating mass amounts like the rest of them. I think we should open up a grocery store. Honestly!

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