Friday, August 28, 2009

Life with the boys

Life with three boys (plus John) is a lot of work but lots of fun too! I love sitting down together as a family at the dinner table. It's my favorite. I don't know why it seems like more of a production with three kids vs. one but it does. What I mean is, Tyler and Brody are not eating with us yet but I still feel like it's more meaningful when we are all at the table. Well, T&B are usually in their bouncy chairs or pack 'n play but oftentimes one of us is holding at least one baby while trying to eat at the same time.

I've managed to figure out how to carry both at the same time somewhat comfortably. I put one in my baby wrap and have the other one cradled in one of my arms. The thing is that they are happiest when they are being carried around. I have had to resort to this technique while John is at work and it's just me at home trying to soothe both of them at once. Anyway, I should get a picture of this and post it somewhere. I have been so bad at sending out pictures this time around. The few on this blog are pretty outdated. I'm blaming it on lack of time. As it is it is 4 a.m. and I'm online trying to catch up with this blog and emails. I got up to feed the boys and pump and the computer was calling my name. I really should be sleeping though. I'm going to try to send out pics and update the ones here soon!

I think I've mentioned this already but Hunter is the BEST big brother EVER! He is so proud and gives them hugs and kisses lots of times throughout the day. He really loves babies and helps out with them tremendously. Oftentimes he will (unasked) go over to one of them while they are crying and stick a nuk in, bounce their chair or play music for them to try to get them to calm down. It's so sweet to watch.

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