Sunday, August 22, 2010

Poison control

Tyler and Brody got into Hunter's Flintstone vitamins yesterday. They were covered from head to toe in red dye. They had half-eaten at least 12 of them. I didn't completely panic until I read the bottle. It said, "Keep out of reach of children. Overdose of iron is the leading cause of infant death. Contact poison control immediately." So I did. They turned out to be just fine but I am sooo embarrassed to say that this is the second time in a week that I've had to contact poison control. The other time was about a week ago when Tyler got a hold of the sunscreen spray bottle and was sucking on the nozzle. Once again, I wasn't too concerned until I read the label with many warnings against this sort of behavior. For the record, I never had to contact poison control when I had only one baby (Hunter). These guys get into EVERYTHING!!

Today at the grocery store Hunter made me laugh out loud and almost pee my pants. We usually give Tyler and Brody some kind of a toy to hold onto while we are shopping to keep them busy. This time Tyler had what we call "goo." It's this gel-like gooey stuff that's safely encased in plastic (that you can open to get to the goo but they're too little to do so at this point). Anyway, we were walking through the aisles when I noticed that Tyler didn't have his toy anymore. I relayed this information to Hunter and he suddenly got frantic that his toy was missing. We started re-tracing our steps and on the way he turned to a random lady and franticly wide-eyed said, "Have you seen any goo in the store?!" I think I may be one of few people who think that this is HYSTERICAL because when I've re-told this story only one or two people reacted the way that I did. I think it was just HOW he said it that was so funny. He was so serious and matter-of-fact about it. I'll never forget it! We never did find the goo.

Both "babies" have two bottom center teeth now and are sleeping through the night again (THANK THE LORD!). They currently both have a summer cold. Such a bummer.

Hunter's vocabulary astonishes me sometimes. The other day he was downstairs with Uncle Mark playing a game and he knew that we had somewhere to go soon. He heard me coming down the stairs and said, "I presume you are going to say that we have to go now." What? Presume?! Does he know that he's five? Then tonight we were coming home from a fun but exhausting day at a water park and I said to him, "I don't know about you but I'm bushed!" He replied, "I'm bushed and my dogs are barkin'!" My final story for the night...Tonight I had to clip his nails (his most hated thing EVER) and afterward I told him, "The good news is that now they're short and we don't have to clip them for a while." His response: "I'm dubious about that!"


  1. Hunter is such a smart little boy! I don't even use "dubious" on a regular basis!

    Btw, who's the Chinese person?

  2. I have no idea who this annoying Chinese person/people are. I imagine it's some kind of a virus or something. I just try to ignore it. They comment on my blog ALL THE TIME. Don't know how to block them.
    Oh, and Hunter learned that word on The Electric Company...not from me!

  3. Figured it out! YAY!!! No more spam!
