Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Merry (Belated) Christmas!

As you can see, I am finally getting around to posting about Christmas. We had such a wonderful Christmas this year. We hosted in our new house and it was so much fun! The boys are at such a great age. They are excited about absolutely everything and the season is just magical.
We went to mass as a family on Saturday night (Christmas Eve), which was interesting to say the least. Tyler and Brody had a hard time sitting still for such a long time. Mass lasted extra long (almost two hours) and as you can imagine, they were VERY antsy by the end. I usually just take Hunter and Greyson to mass every Sunday so Brody and Ty were not used to the expected behavior at church. The picture of the four boys together on the couch is one that I took right before leaving.
Christmas morning was all about the presents. Hunter's big toy that he wanted this year was the "Force FX Lightsaber" which is an actual replica of the one used in the movie. The handle is actual metal (that was important to him). He was beyond thrilled when he opened that one. I had to post both the one of him opening it and his very serious Star Wars pose after assembling it. As you can see, he means business!
Tyler and Brody were equally excited to open any and all presents as they were the candy canes in their stocking. And little Greyson was (of course) oblivious to the whole "event." As long as he had Momma's milk and lots of arms to carry him around he was happy. I couldn't decide between the first picture to post and this one because they are both so dang cute so I posted them both!
Merry (Belated) Christmas!!

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