Friday, December 28, 2012

Greyson's first birthday

Well, since it's almost 2013 it's probably about time I dedicate a post to Greyson's first birthday (which was in September).  Eeek!  I'm a bit behind in my blogging (as usual).  As many of you know I started up an official photography business this past fall.  This has kept me very busy since the official "launch" for which I am extremely grateful.  But what it hasn't left me with is much extra time for my blog.  Now that Christmas is behind us for another year and my photo shoots have mostly come to a halt with the cold weather, I have a little extra time to get caught up.

Let's talk Greyson...Being that this was our last "first" birthday to celebrate I wanted it to be extra special.  This commenced with the invitations, for which I needed perfect pictures.  So I dreamed up how he would enjoy his very first cake with an all out "cake smash" photo shoot in our backyard.  I went to great lengths for this perfect photo, from ordering his special handmade birthday "suit" to staging every aspect of the setting, and don't forget the homemade cake I spent four hours making.  Oh, yes!  This would be PERFECT! 

What we didn't account for was one tiny little thing.  It turned out that our precious little angel wanted NOTHING to do with that delicious and painstakingly-made confection.  We tried and tried to coax him to even just try it but he had absolutely no interest.  John finally just stuck his hand in it.  Take a look at that face and you can decide for yourself how that went!  I did manage to get him to play around with it a bit once I handed him a spoon. 

Hunter even had a go of trying to convince him that it was really good!  He was talking it up like you wouldn't believe.  God love him!  Well, even if he didn't get to enjoy his first cake, he certainly was adorable during the attempt.  And the rest of the family got a really great (and beautiful if I may say so myself) dessert that night after dinner and we all appreciated that!

Onto the actual birthday.  We invited some close friends and family over to celebrate this big milestone.  It was pretty low-key this time around (no theme) but we did rent a cotton candy machine for some added fun.  It turned out to be the hit of the party.  The kids all loved the treat and the adults had a great time making it.  I overheard one kid say, "This is the best birthday party EVER!"  That (of course) made my night.  We tried to get Greyson to eat store-bought cake but he wanted no part of it.  He was fond of our singing though so I guess we can't ask for more!  Instead we gave him some ice cream, which he loves.  Happy (very belated) birthday to our little peanut!

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