Friday, December 24, 2010


Hunter was lucky enough to see Santa three times this year. The first was at an event put on by the Bartolotta's for the restaurant where I have a part-time job. The second was at the annual Children's Party at the Twin Club and finally, Santa came to Hunter's school and had breakfast with the kids. The second time he saw him he was sitting on his lap and Santa asked him what he'd like for Christmas. Hunter said, "Um...the Air Hog Helicopter and a science lab...I already told you!" Yep! My five-year-old giving Santa some attitude! Could not believe it. So when we got the letter from school asking if we'd like our child to attend the breakfast with Santa I was hesitant. However, I did not want Hunter being the only kid left back at the classroom alone. So I paid the $5.00 and hoped for the best. When John picked him up from school that day he said, "Dad, I don't think that Santa was real." YIKES! So John trepidatiously asked him why he thought so. He replied, "because he didn't look like the other Santas." John went on to say, "You're right Hunter. He wasn't the real Santa. Think about it...don't you think Santa is pretty busy this time of year? He has to make all of these toys (etc. etc.) so he has all of these helpers to pose as him for pictures all over the world." He thankfully bought it.

In the picture with all three boys you may notice that Hunter has a bandaid on his face. A few days prior to this day I picked him up from school and saw that he had a scratch on his face and asked him what had happened. He was clueless that it was even there and had to look in the mirror to verify that I was telling the truth. A few days pass and the morning of our day to meet Santa he decides he HAS to have a bandaid for his owie. Didn't need one the previous two days but okay!

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