Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lost my tooth!

Hunter lost his first tooth on Thursday. He was biting into an apple slice and said, "I thought I bit into an apple seed and then I looked and it was my tooth!" We were in the dining room, he was on the computer playing "Raz Kids" (an educational program that helps with reading that his teacher has requested he use at home) and all of a sudden he belted out "MY TOOTH!" After all of the anxiety and drama leading up to this momentous occasion, in the end he was very happy that it had come out. There was no blood and he said it didn't hurt at all. He was excited to put it under his pillow and decided it would be safest in a plastic baby food container. He wanted the tooth fairy to return the money in the same container so that he can re-use it for the next tooth.

The next morning he was disappointed to see that the tooth fairy had "only" left him $3.00. That was until I told him that I used to only get $1 for each tooth and Uncle Mark told him he used to get change! Then we added up that once he has lost all of his teeth that it will amount to $60! This changed his mind instantly. John had mentioned that was good "college money!" and he repeated that several times when re-telling the story to others that day. It was cute to hear him say, "college money!" As you can see he looks adorable with his first little gap!!


  1. Aww congrats again, Hunter!! :)

    Julie, I love your blog's new look! Very cute!

  2. Thanks Mo! It's a work-in-progress. I had to change my background because they made me due to some updated codes or something and they didn't have my old background any longer but this one works!
