Sunday, September 11, 2011

Box hunt

The other day we ran out of boxes so I called around to Target, Wal-Mart, and some grocery stores to see if they had any and they said they either crush them immediately in their compactors or I should come back late at night to see if I could get some. Neither option worked for me because I had two friends coming over to help me pack that evening and no boxes. So I loaded up Tyler and Brody and drove around to the backs of stores to check dumpsters for boxes. I was desperate! Luckily a bunch of the dumpsters were labeled "cardboard only." Unfortunately most of them were either locked or empty. I checked one behind a craft store and to my surprise found all these crafts that had just been thrown away! I couldn't believe that this store would throw away perfectly fine merchandise for no reason at all. Why not donate it? So, being the resourceful teacher that I am, I collected some things that I could give away as prizes in my classroom. Afterall, they were in original packaging and clean. I also grabbed a few things for Hunter. I feel that if I can save a few things from ending up in a landfill and make some kids happy in the meantime it's win-win! When I picked him up from school that day and gave them to him he was very excited and asked to see the dumpster. I took him over there and he was elated! That evening when my friends came over he was thoroughly thrilled to tell them of our adventures at what he called "the magical dumpster." I couldn't stop laughing at that one. The next morning and every day since then he has asked, "Mom...can we go back to the magical dumpster today?"