Friday, September 9, 2011

Pregnancy and moving

At my 37 week appointment three days ago I was told I am now 3-4 cm dilated and 60% effaced. I'm having contractions that I wasn't feeling then but am feeling now. I also have had a persistent back ache the last day or so but I attribute that to bending over while packing a million boxes. I will forever be grateful for the friends and family who have come over to help us prepare for our move. They have been such a tremendous help. My in-laws were here on Sunday to help with the basement. Then Shelly, my close friend and rock-star Realtor, came over on Monday to help with the kitchen. On Monday night my dear friend Sara came over and helped put the boys to bed, then packed more of the kitchen and some of our bedroom. Finally, last night two of my closest friends Becky and Keem came over and helped empty the storage off our master and bring down all those boxes as well as helped me pack up a bunch of miscellaneous stuff in various rooms throughout the house. I always hate asking for help but feel so good when I do. It's so nice to know that your friends and family are there for you when you need them most. I could cry! It also made the process a lot more fun! It is very, very hard to get anything done during the day with Tyler and Brody digging through boxes and pulling out everything you've just done or getting into trouble elsewhere in the house. The only time I really have is while they're napping and I have other things to do during that time that pull me away (like blog, ha ha!). Seriously though, I haven't taken much time to myself and I just had to update my blog today. Not even counting the work involved with packing, there is SO MUCH that has to be done when you buy and sell at the same time. There is ridiculous amounts of paperwork and forms that need to be signed and forwarded to appropriate parties, the coordination of the movers, changing your address with dozens of companies, canceling and setting up new service with utilities/phone, etc. I will be so relieved when this is all over and we are cozy in our new home. I'm so grateful that Greyson is staying put for now. I am very much hoping that he waits until after the 16th (closing/moving day) to arrive.

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