Thursday, September 29, 2011

Future daughter-in-law saved!

Today Hunter's friends were over as they have been almost every day since we've moved in. When I say Hunter's friends I mean Avril and Christopher. They live two doors down. Avril is in 1st grade like Hunter (different class though) and Christopher is in K5. Apparently Avril is a self-proclaimed monkey and loves climbing trees. We have some pine trees that are awesome for climbing in our yard. Their most recent activity of choice is to try and climb them. Avril climbs up SUPER high. Well, today they were out back climbing and John, Greyson and I were inside. Christopher came in and was telling us very animatedly, "Someone has to come and look at Avril! She is WAY high up and stuck up in a tree! We need help!" Well, Christopher is somewhat dramatic and so we didn't jump and run immediately, thinking that all was probably okay. But John did decide after a few minutes to go and check (I was nursing). After about 10 minutes John came inside panting and told me he had to climb up 30 feet into the tree (in his socks) and save Avril! She had been suspended with her hands on a branch but her legs dangling mid-air. On his way up to get her she was saying, "My hands are slipping!" YIKES!!! Thank goodness he reached her in time. She would've been seriously injured had she fallen. Later John told me that Hunter came up to him and said, "Dad, thanks for saving the life of the only girl I'm gonna marry."

1 comment:

  1. If they do end up getting married, what a wonderful story you'll have to tell at the wedding! ;0)

    Sounds like you're liking your new house and neighbors a lot!
