Sunday, February 3, 2013

Greyson at 16 months

I know at 16 months it's an odd time to write about Greyson but I don't want to wait a minute longer to blog what's been on my mind about him.  Usually common milestones are 3, 6, 9, 12, and 18 months but it's got to be done now, at 16 months.  I probably missed blogging on those official dates anyway so here goes.

I am loving this boy up so much lately.  At naptime and bedtime, and any time that he is feeling particularly tired, he has this habit of tucking his little arm down beside him, between him and me (or whomever is holding him).  It's his little sign that he's tired and boy is it ever cute!  It makes me want to sing one more extra made-up verse of his lullaby just so I can hold him and sway back and forth in front of his crib with his cute little arm tucked in before laying him down.

Another cute little thing he does that makes me laugh every single time is whenever I am lying down on the floor he will come over, pull up my shirt to expose my belly and blow raspberries to his heart's content.  I'm not exaggerating when I say EVERY time.  And it's not only me, he will do it to his brothers too.  It's super hilarious.

He spends a few hours at the Kids Corner at the Y (daycare they provide for members while they work out) at least three days a week.  I get such a kick out of picking him up (as do the Y employees) because he is BEYOND excited.  I can't begin to describe his huge smile and excited squeals he makes as he bolts for the door for me to pick him up and hold him.  It's irresistible.

He is such a little Daddy's boy.  Whenever John comes home from work, or the store, or wherever, he does the same excited routine but all the while saying, "Dada...Dada...Dada..." until he reaches him and John picks him up.  It's to die for.

He is crazy for balls. In fact "ball" was one of his very first words. He loves to go in the basement because there is a large bucket of balls he loves to dump out and play with. Whenever he sees people playing ball in the Y gym (which is across from the Kids Corner) he beelines for the doors saying "butt-baw" (basketball) over and over again, which makes the boys all laugh of course.

Oftentimes when he hears one of the boys crying due to minor injury or hurt feelings he will come over and give them a hug without anyone asking him to do so.  It's the sweetest thing that melts my heart every time.

He is officially as of a few days ago finally getting his third tooth, the upper left.  He has had only his two front bottom ones for so long now.

He is talking so much lately.  Besides the most common "mama," "dada," and "ball" he is also saying "jacket," "cracker," "ducky" "boat" and "socky" (sock).  Of course they sound more like "ja-ku," "ca-cu," "dk-y," "boot" and "ahk-e."  He also does the signs for "eat," "help," "shoes," "milk," "bath," "hat," and today he imitated "drink" after I demonstrated it for the first time.  He is communicating so much quicker than all our other little guys.  He just wants to be heard!  He also knows where many of his body parts are when you ask him.  He can point to his head, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, hands, belly, and toes.  He understands so much of what we say.  As soon as we mention the word "bath" he is headed for the stairs.  When we ask him if he needs his diaper changed he walks to where we change him.  He will go and get his shoes when I ask him.  We send him on little errands all the time asking him to take things to the toy room when we straighten up or throw things away.  He loves to be a helper and part of the action.

Every little moment with him is so precious and sweet.  OK, OK...I know I'm writing this as he is soundly sleeping like an angel upstairs and not dumping an entire box of Cheerios all over the kitchen floor (which did in fact happen today) or screaming wildly for more food but nonetheless don't wake me from my dreamy ideological state about our perfect little boy.

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