Saturday, February 2, 2013

New job

Many of you know that I moonlight a few nights a week serving at a fine dining restaurant to help make ends meet and for "fun" money.  I've been doing so for as long as I can remember barring several years here and there depending on what else was going on in my life.  It wasn't always fine dining but it has been the last several years.

I recently changed restaurants and started working for a non-corporate restaurant about 20 minutes from our home, owned by a nice older couple.  What a breath of fresh air.  It is so nice to have such a human experience at work that is far from uptight and clinical yet still professional.  The staff is wonderful.  Very friendly, warm and helpful.  Very unlike the previous restaurant where I spent two years.  I would estimate that at least half the clientele are "regulars" and I can't stop gawking when I see them hugging the wait staff and talking about certain times when they were invited into their homes for this reason or that.  This happens at least five times every night I've worked.  The owners told me when I applied that "it's like a family here" but now I believe it.  I know I'm still in the "honemoon phase" but so far I really like it.

Anyway, the other night I was frantic to get out of the house to get to work on time but I couldn't find my tie anywhere.  I said out loud, "Has anyone seen my tie anywhere?  I need my tie!!"  And Ty replied, "I'm right here, Mommy!!"

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