Monday, December 21, 2009

Holiday stress!

So far preparing for Christmas has been very different than in years past. Shopping with *only* Tyler and Brody while Hunter is at Preschool (a short three hours MWF, that is when they cooperate), making cookies during their 1/2 hour naps, wrapping and making cards/gifts after all boys are in bed until 1 a.m. and then turning around and waking early for the 5 a.m. feeding. I'm exhausted. It's easy to lose focus and remember what Christmas is really about. We do light our advent wreath every Sunday and pray together as a family, which helps bring the focus back. Hunter really enjoys this (especially being in charge of the candle snuffer). He decided we should all come up with our own prayer before extinguishing each candle after dinner. I love this new tradition! I wish I could remember his exact prayer last night so that I could write it but I don't. I know it started with "Dear Lord" and ended with "Amen."

Hunter had his first caroling experience yesterday. One of my student's mother is dying of ALS ("Lou Gehrig's Disease") and a big group of teachers, parents and students got together and brought gifts, baked goods and caroled in front of their house. It was so hard for me not to cry while singing thinking of their situation. This will be their last Christmas together. Her mother is too sick to leave her bed. Hunter, being as interested in music as he is, loved caroling. We had lit candles, which was also a hit. They invited us inside and Katrina (my student) opened the gifts and played "Jingle Bells" for us on her family's piano. When I told Hunter it was time for us to get going he told me he had something to tell Katrina (whom he had just met for the first time that night). I wasn't allowed to come with so I waited by the door. When we got home I asked him what he had told her and he said, "I told her she had a beautiful home!" How thoughtful!

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