Saturday, December 5, 2009


The boys started eating "solid" food this week on Monday and have so far tried rice cereal and sweet potatoes. They prefer the potatoes and I don't blame them! They are gradually getting better at swallowing more than spitting and today I can say most of what I gave them went into their tummies rather than on their bibs. I am shopping for a second high chair today. A friend gave us this "pod" thing that's supposed to work similar to a high chair but the boys don't sit in it too well (kind of hunched over) and are more interested in playing with the chair than eating. I thought at first that maybe Brody was just more interested in eating than Tyler (Brody was in the high chair at first) but then I switched them and then Tyler seemed more interested than Brody. It's the pod for sure.

Hunter read John an entire story by himself the other night (The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss). Granted, it's a very easy read. We were impressed but not half as much as today at nap time when he read me, "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish" (Dr. Seuss), which is a very long book with tons of words (60+ pages). He only had me read two pages (one about half-way through and another near the end) because he was getting tired. He said to me, "I'm trying REALLY hard!" I kept telling him that he didn't have to read it if he didn't want to but he insisted! He was frustrated at first because he told me, "I want to read it as fast as you can!" Storytime was about 100 times longer than normal but I didn't mind one bit! I had to explain to him that everyone starts out reading a little slow. He's so cute! I'm super proud (can you tell?)!

The boys and I went to breakfast with Santa this morning which was organized by a twin club where I now belong. Hunter got to make some art projects and decorate a cookie. They had a Secret Santa Shop where the kids could pick out gifts for their parents and the older kids wrapped them in the secret shopping room so that the parents didn't see them. We played holiday bingo (Hunter won once) and then Santa came and took pictures with each child and handed out presents. The twin club meets once a month at a retirement center and that is where they had the event. They always invite the retirees to partake in the events they hold so Hunter and I played bingo with a 90-year-old woman. She asked me if I could repeat what the call was (elf, santa, reindeer, etc.) because she had trouble hearing it. Hunter was so funny because he started repeating it for me loudly to the lady. She said he was a real sweet boy, which he is! We had a lot of fun. The cool thing about being around so many families with twins is that they have all been through this so I had a lot of women ask me if they could help me by holding a baby. (John had to work so he couldn't make it.) I had the youngest twins there but there were a lot of twins around one year and two years old. I gladly handed off one a few times (when they were both crying at the same time). I also caught myself daydreaming about how nice it would be if they held an event every day around crabby time...

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