Sunday, December 13, 2009

Time flies...

I cannot believe that Tyler and Brody turned six months old today. That is truly incredible. Some days seem to drag on forever and I catch myself checking the clock often hoping it's close to the time that John gets home because I know help is coming but as a whole these six months have flown by. Not much has changed in the last week or so with them. Tyler is a little chow-hound. He has really taken to this eating solids thing we have going on in our house. Brody spits more but is eating as well. Brody is more of a "mover." John and I are astounded that he is actually trying to crawl already. He's not getting anywhere (thankfully) but as soon as we lie him down on his playmat he immediately rolls over to his belly and oftentimes tries to get his little legs under him and kicks. When I first saw it I thought to myself that it looked like he was trying to crawl but it seemed to me that it was too early for that. When John mentioned the same thing to me I realized maybe it wasn't too crazy of a thought.

I have a quick story about Hunter. Tonight John had a football game on the t.v. and Hunter was intently watching this one commercial that came on. It was a jeweler that was featuring a necklace with a silver heart and diamonds all around. He turned to me and said, "I want to get that for you but I don't know how." It melted my heart and I want to remember this forever so I had to blog about it.

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