Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Holy pukin' babies

Not that the title isn't adequate warning but this blog is not for those with weak stomachs.
Tyler and Brody got me up at 5:17 this a.m. I nursed them as normal and Tyler promptly started puking all over me. Good mornin'! I didn't know if he was sick or if he had just had too much milk in him because I always have a lot of milk in the morning and on top of it I had given him a full bottle last night before bed. (Both boys were very upset after I fed them their dinner so I thought they were still hungry.) Anyway, I changed them, changed me and hoped for the latter explanation for the interesting start to my day. After everyone is changed and I've started a load of laundry I pick Brody up to bring him downstairs and low and behold...more projectile vomiting...all over me (and my fresh new clothes), him (and his fresh new clothes) and their bedroom floor. Mental note: wait a while before starting the laundry again. I went to work still hoping for the best. Maybe Brody also had too much to drink?!

I called home on my lunch hour and John, who was at home with all three, said neither had puked since so I thought we were home-free. A half an hour later I get a very desperate and emotional phone call from John asking for the dentist's phone number (Hunter had an appointment at 1:30 p.m.) so he could cancel. Bad news...Menards had shown up with the delivery of our fence, which was taking up half the alley. They were unable to drop it in our garage because the equipment would not make it in. John proceeded to move 2300 lbs. of building material (wood, concrete, etc.) leaving the boys unattended inside. He had no choice! He asked Hunter to stay inside and report back but with a delivery such as this, that was last on his mind. Who could blame him? That's exciting stuff to a four-year-old. So John worked as fast as he could to bring all of the stuff inside the garage where it would be safe from theft, clearing the alley in the meantime and rushing back inside only to find Tyler lying (asleep) in a pool of puke. Poor guy. Needless to say, Hunter did not make it to the dentist office today.
It's amazing how babies bounce back though. They are incredible. At one point Tyler was sitting in the exersaucer projectile vomiting everywhere over and over again and after expelling about a quart of puke he looks up at John with a big smile on his face and starts waving at him! John, wide-eyed with panic proceded to pick his jaw up off the floor before waving back.
Brody threw up his dinner again before going to bed. I'm turning in early because I'm not sure what the night has in store for me.


  1. Oh my. When you told me they were sick, I didn't think it was that bad! Poor John! Poor you! :( I have yet to experience a puking child... and thank the Lord. Because I have a weak stomach! haha

  2. Hunter hadn't puked until he was four! And that was the only time so far! Every kid is different!
