Thursday, April 16, 2009

The babies are keeping us guessing! Dr. Schell (OB) said that it is so extremely unlikely that the babies switched positions this far along in the pregnancy (as was suggested by the nurse last night). I would have felt MAJOR movement (which I didn't) and she said she can't get babies to turn even when she has a dire need to by pushing on the mother's tummy. So that leaves us wondering if the machine was hooked up correctly or if Baby B now has an arrhythmia as well. At the monitoring session this morning both HR's were normal for the entire hour so that didn't give us any clue.

This afternoon at the monitoring session Baby A's HR was irregular again and in the same location he has been since I arrived at the hospital. Baby B's HR was normal, as usual. I'm not sure what went on last night.

I got permission to get outside today for a little while. John came to visit and wheeled me out for a half an hour or so. It was really nice to get some sunshine and fresh air. Beautiful weather!

I'm still having contractions and feeling that tightening sensation but no pain. Dr. Schell has just told the nurses that she wants me on continuous monitoring as long as I'm contracting. That limits movement a great deal. I guess I'll attack that big pile of reading material I've been saving up!


  1. I love that you can update everyone on here. It's a nice way to stay in the loop. Everyday I wonder how you've been and with the blog, I don't have to call and bother you!! When would you like to have some really cool visitors??? :) We'd love to visit you whenever you're settled in. No rush! Love you Julie... we're thinking about you guys!!!
