Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Reflection of first day inpatient

I've been lying on my back a lot due to the monitors. It's hard to monitor twins that move so much and nearly impossible to do so if I'm in any other position. I also lie on my side at night when they are not monitoring (every other hour for maybe a half an hour) because it's the only way I can sleep. I am hooked up to so many machines that beep and make other noises if not push and prod me not to mention the nurses that come in every other hour to strap the monitors on for an hour long reading at which time sometimes they have to hand hold them because the twins move so much...anyway, it's hard to get any sleep at all. I have gone through three IV bags of fluid so far, have three monitors on me every other hour (one for monitoring contractions, the other two for monitoring the babies heartbeats), these compression devices on my legs at night to reduce muscle tone loss (SCD's). They act like a blood pressure cuff but fit from my knee to my ankle on both legs and intermittently blow up with air and constrict really tight in different areas and then let the air out over and over again. When they put them on me I said to the nurse, "Cmon...people actually are able to fall asleep with these on?" They're noisy and it's not a constant constriction that you could get used to, they trade off legs and blow up in all different areas all the time and then rest and repeat. It's pretty interesting. I think I got a total of an hour and a half of sleep last night (not consecutive). A half hour at three different times. I guess when you're tired enough you can sleep through anything. After three bags of fluids my contractions were not stopping and I'm feeling them now (not painful, just tightening every two minutes or so) so they gave me a shot of terbutaline and it seems to be working very well so far. It's making me very shaky (the nurse said this is typical) and makes my heart race but she said that will go away in an hour. I can't wait. I still have a capped IV in and I'm pretty sure that's not going away (from the sound of my OB yesterday). That stinks because it's not comfortable. It's sort of a dull ache and if I put pressure on that wrist it hurts. I'll take it all if it means I have two healthy babies to take home after all of this. The nurse told me that you usually are able to take your babies home around their original due date regardless of the date they are actually born but not always. I was hoping it would be earlier.

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